
My Gif

My GIF is of a start zigzagging across the screen followed by credits and my tag brush also zigzagging across the screen. I did this because I thought that it looked like a shooting star and I thought that was cool. I also added credit to the music owner and the people who sponsored my shooting start including google, Jeffery Epstein, Lockheed Martin, and many more!

Calderon Buissness cards

  I chose these colors because I think that they match my logo. I think the Yellow color I added to the text makes it pop out at you. I chose to do shapes because I wanted to go for a modern art piece. I tried to make it like a cubist-esque drawing but instead of just squares I included some round shapes. I think that colors of the shapes really contrasts with the bright, light blue background. I chose these colors because I think the text contrasted well with the background. The Pink text on the orange background gives it an almost Miami Vice look. It also reminds me of vapor wave kinda. I chose to use blue waves on the top and bottom of the back of the card because I think the bright blue matches perfectly with the orange background. I chose a lion with a sun emblem on it because I think it looked cool and also it goes with the Miami beach vibe thing. I chose black and white for this because I wanted to go for a very professional look. I wanted to make it look minimalist and slee...

Calderon_ Post Card

  I chose to do a postcard for the town I live in, Delray Beach. I chose this place because I think it has beautiful beaches, great bars, and an awesome vibe. I've lived there for a year and it was really nice. Most people in the area have nice houses, so every night someone was hosting a house party. Even then, I still liked it because my house was close to the mall and to the beach.

Calderon_ID HW 1 This video is good because it starts and talks about how to use the layout. It also goes into how bleed actually works. I think that is very important because when you are printing these things they need to be formatted right for the printer. That’s why this video is very good. This video is good because it is an updated version of the previous video. The new video talks about the same things as the first video but adds some things to it. It goes more into detail about how to place photos and how to make them stay in shape without getting fuzzy or resized. This video is good because it talks about clipping techniques that professionals use in their projects. I wasn’t a fan of this video because I don’t think they did the best job at explaining each technique. I think the video should be longer and tell the user step by step how to do it. 

Calderon_ps HW3

  I Think This would be very hard to photoshop because I think getting the lighting right is hard. This picture inspired me because it has a cat in it and I want to do something that involved Garfield. The Guy made him less lonely with Michael Jackson LMAO ROFL.  I am very impressed with the lighting because it really is an artform. For my picture I'm going to have my friend help me with the lighting because he is very good at that. Also, he takes photographs of cars and posts them on his Instagram. @_dolph.media_

Calderon Bw_to color

The Black and White to Color project was a fun and exciting project that taught me how to create a clipping mask, change the color of the image,and how to use basic tools of Photoshop. This has showed itself in my artwork. I took a picture of me holding a bottle of Listerine because I wanted it to represent me giving the viewer a choice of weather they think the bottle it almost full or almost empty. I chose three different color pallets to express this idea. On one picture I colored everything except for my shirt and parts of the bottle. On the Second one, i chose to color everything except the background and my head. On the third one i colored my entire body and bottle but not the background.  


 What I learned today was how to make a brush in Photoshop. This will be used to tag all my future projects.I went for a multilayered color grunge design. The colors that are used are red, green,purple, navy blue,sky blue, and pink. I don't know what else to write.