Internet Blog Assignment

The Internet is a worldwide network of that connects computers via transmitting data. It was invented on January 1st,1983. It was invented by computer scientists Vinton Cerf and Bob Khan. However, the first long distance communication between computers was created in a lab at Stanford in 1969, however it crashed immediately when started. The original use of the internet was for government researchers to send information to each other. Now a days it is used for more than just sharing information. You can text people, play video games, create programs, and so much more now.

The World Wide Web is an information system that allows information to be connected to other documents via hypertext links. A Hypertext link allows a person to search up information by moving from one document to another. Tim Berners-Lee is credited as being the creator of the World Wide Web. The world wide web was used at first used to share information with other researchers at the company he worked at, CERN.  This is very similar to the use of the world wide web today, although it is used in other ways like websites that have funny videos, or 

While the Internet and the World Wide Web are different they are both important and share a space that makes up the modern-day electronic device. The internet is network of interconnected computers and devices. The World Wide Web is an application that connects documents. However, while they're different, the World Wide Web and the Internetwork in tandem. The World Wide Web is an application that runs on the internet. 

The first website was created by Tim Berners Lee. He created the first website when he was working for CERN, a European Nuclear company. It is still around today however it is more of a website museum. It has a section in very simple text that talks about the history of the website. It is still operated by CERN to this day. 

Wi-Fi was created by AT&T and the NCR corporation in 1991. Wi-Fi was originally called something else. It's original was WaveLan. WaveLan was sold to consumers until the early 200's when the name was changed to Wi-Fi.

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Heddy Lamarr was an actress and an inventor. She first became famous as an actress and starred in many films. She left Europe and came to America after leaving her husband. During World War two she helped the allies by patenting a device for a radio wave torpedo that would not get jammed. She is credited that her work was used in the creation of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, however there is no evidence that suggest that this is true. She has a song about her because she suffered abuse at the hands of her ex-husband and the song writer, Johnny Depp, had gone through something similar with his ex-wife Amber Heard. 

Bluetooth is a shortrange wireless technology that exchanges data between mobile devices. It was developed by Nils Rydbeck. It was named after a Danish King called Harald Bluetooth. The Bluetooth system was given the name "Bluetooth" from a man named Jim Kardach. The Symbol comes from the old Norse runic symbol. The name Bluetooth wasn't supposed to last forever however the name got popular, so they kept it. 


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